As per Technical

MB Calls

We are doing in three steps:

First Step: Selecting the right Stock

We have selected Top 100 Companies in ISM. As they are in Top 100 in Indian Stock Market that means we are selected the right stock.

Second Step: LOW Risk factor

By selecting the Top 100 Companies the risk factor comes to low. As they are Top 100 companies their value do not get Zero. Until they do not get zero, we will buy at THE BEST and sell at THE BEST. So risk is LOW RISK

Third Step: HIGH Profit Gaining

For the best BUY, depending upon Stocks Volatility we filtered in FOUR different categories like F4, F3, F2, F1, A. Here A represents last working days volatility value. By moving up and downs of A value, remaining F1, F2, F3, F4 values will be generated.

When to BUY a Stock?